TWO HOLES in the HEART disappeared(心上的两个洞消失了)



Ms.S.T., 60, is a Jorei-Healing member. She had a girl grandchild whose name is Airi, but when Airi was 4 months old, she was diagnosed with two holes in her heart. One hole was 2mm diameter and the other is 6mm diameter, and the doctor told her that the 2mm hole could be closed in the future, but the 6mm hole needed surgery. Since she didn’t want Airi to have surgery, she gave the Jorei-Healing every day. Airi’s health condition was good, and there was no problem with medical check-up every six months. Although Airi sometimes had sick and had a high fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and a rash, she recovered naturally with only Jorei-Healing. When Airi was 3 years and 6 months, the medical check-up results showed that the two holes had become one and the hole had become even larger. The doctor recommended that Airi has surgery when her weight becomes 15 kg. Since Airi was in good physical condition, she thought that there might be a meaning in being in such a state (2 holes became 1 hole), so she continued to give the Jorei-Healing to Airi. When Airi was 4yo and had a medical check-up, the doctor told her that the hole was almost closed and the problem disappeared, so she decided to have a medical check-up in 2 years. Airi has grown up to be healthy since then, and at the checkup at the age of five, the doctor said that Airi had already healed completely and that no need to come to the hospital. It is a miracle that Airi escaped surgery and was able to become healthy with only the Jorei-Healing. Through this experience, she hopes that people suffering from similar symptom experience the Jorei-Healing to be happy.

*Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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