SWELLING was recovered by excretion of pus(排脓消肿)



Ms.M.T is a member of Jorei-Healing. When she was a college student, the area around her ears was swollen, but there was no pain in her head and no swelling of her face, so she continued to receive Jorei and recovered in 2 months. However, this time, the swelling area around the left ear as well as the left head hurt so strongly that she couldn’t sleep for two days. After that, the pain subsided, she could eat and sleep at night. Five days later, it was swollen at its peak, so she stopped by the branch on her way home from work and received a daily Jorei-Healing. A week later, she felt a stinky smell at work, and when she touched the swollen area of her left ear, there was a little dark green pus. Two weeks later, the lid resembled cashews, but still sticky pus. And the lid gradually became smaller and smaller, about the size of a red bean grain, and then disappeared. It took a long time for her to heal, 5 months, but after that, her complexion improved and her stiff shoulders became easier. Even if her body was in such a bad condition, if she receive the Jorei-Healing, she could work without taking a break, and she was grateful for the effect of the Jorei-Healing.

*Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

In my opinion, it is easy to imagine that medical care would pierce the swollen area, apply topical ointment to release pus, suppress the discharge of pus, and suppress pain with oral medicine. This time, it took a bit long time to heal completely, but she could heal completely with just Jorei-Healing without taking time off from work, and I think it was a case where the body became cleaner than before and the physical condition improved by excreting another toxin that was held in the body without putting excess medicinal poison into the body.

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