STOPPED MEDICINES and became healthy(停止药物并变得健康)



Ms.I.T began to have swollen and painful gums and headaches since she delivered 2nd baby. At the same time, she had stiff shoulders, eye pain, nausea, insomnia, and other issues that were always bad in her body, and she rarely had good days. When she had a toothache, she went to the dentist and got anti-purulent and painkiller medicine. Also, when she was 35yo, her eyes began to become bloodshot and aching. The ophthalmologist told her that the intraocular pressure was high and that surgery was necessary if it became any higher. She was so small-minded that she was horrified just to hear that it was an eye surgery. She continued to take desperately in search of herbal medicines and health foods that are said to be effective for her eyes so that the intraocular pressure does not increase. She also tried acupuncture and other therapies, but in the end it did not improve and only surgery was avoided. However, when she was 42yo, the condition of her eyes deteriorated and she often suffered hyperemia. she was especially severely affected during her period, with headaches, nausea, eye pain, swollen gums, and insomnia. She managed to get her errands done, and every day she lay down most of the time, she was in the dark both physically and mentally, wondering how long this predicament would last. She tried everything that was said to be good, but all of them had only temporary effects and she was at a loss as to what to do. One day when she was 43yo, she had a Jorei-Healing newspaper in her house mailbox. When she saw a sentence in the newspaper that the disease was not a deteriorating effect, but a purifying action, she was mysteriously struck by it. She was moved by a completely different way of thinking than the knowledge she had before. She immediately visited the branch and was skeptical because the branch master would talk about it as if it were another world, but she decided to give it a try anyway, and from that day on, she began to receive the Jorei-Healing at the branch. She stopped all her medications, went to bed, slept soundly, and woke up the next morning feeling refreshed that she hadn’t experienced in a while. She had no headaches or eye pains, and she felt that God had helped. She was moved with joy and sincerely grateful to the Jorei-Healing. She will never forget the excitement she felt at that time. After that, she went to the branch every day, received the Jorei-Healing, and her body became healthy. After that, she immediately became a member of Jorei-Healing. She has become a healthy body without relying on drugs, her personality has become brighter, and she feels happy to be able to shine vividly and every day. She thinks there are many people in the world like her who are weak and live a dark life while taking medicine. She hope that as many people as possible will sympathize with this experience and know and experience the Jorei-Healing.

*I Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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