HEADACHE and low blood pressure cured(头痛和低血压治愈)



Mr. S.B.S.S (53yo) has been suffering from headaches since he was 23yo. No matter what treatment was done, the pain did not subside, the head was swollen, and the appearance of the head had changed shape. At the hospital, he did various tests and examined the inside of his head with a CT scan, but he could not find the cause, so he had to take painkiller. However, the medicine only relieved the pain a little, and the opposite half of the head ached, whenever took medicines, its condition only repeated. When he was 33yo, he developed low blood pressure and became the condition that always unmotivated. His head was always unclear, he was often irritable, his appetite was reduced, and he lost 20Kg. He was thinking about how to get out of this bad state, but he couldn’t find it. However, when he was 46yo, he was taking a walk to get some exercise, and he happened to find a sign for the Jorei-Healing. He wondered what it was, and when he asked the person who was there, the person said that it was a health method called Jorei-Healing. Even though he didn’t understand it well, he wanted to try it if it was a health method, so he visited the branch at that time and received the Jorei-Healing. Then, to his surprise, he felt something different from usual, as if his head and body had become lighter with just one time Jorei-Healing. He felt that something was different here, so he continued to receive Jorei-Healing from that day. His condition improved day by day, and after 15 days, his low-blood pressure was resolved, his appetite returned, his headache gradually disappeared, and the swelling of his head disappeared. 23 years trouble was completely cured in just a half month by Jorei-Healing. He was impressed with the effect of the Jorei-Healing. Now that he became a member and receives the Jorei-Healing every day, he is healthy and has no worries at all. He hopes that everyone reading this experience will experience Jorei-Healing.

*I Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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