WORLD CRYSIS: conspiracy hypothesis(世界危机:阴谋假说)


This refers to the blog ‘Sato Strategy & Research’ and excerpted Institute.

Covid19, vaccines, global warming, insect food, war, terrorism, shootings, etc. are happening every day, and I guess you feel that the world is moving in a crazy direction. There was an article that you could arrange in your mind about what was happening, so I will share an excerpt. If nothing is done, basic human rights will be taken away, so please think about what each of you must do

【Systematization of CONSPIRACY THEORIES】

  1. Final Objective
    Establishment and continuation of a system of world domination by a small elite.
  2. Superficial Philosophy
    “Realization of a society in which the environment, society, and economy develop sustainably”
  3. Goal
    ・Removing national sovereignty and establishing One World Government
    ・Reduction of population to “appropriate size”
    ・Sustain of natural resources by reducing the consumption of fossil energy.
  4. How they do?
    ・Spread CO2 global warming theory to shift to renewable energy
    ・Monitoring individual personnel through Global Passport, etc.
    ・Switch to Digital Currency (CBDC: Central Bank Digital Currency)
    ・Reduction of food production by regulating agriculture and pastoralism
    ・AI robots development for filling the void which made by population reduction
    ・Breaking taboos and strengthening obedience by promoting insect food
    ・Inducting to the generalization of human feces and human meat eating in the future using insect food as an entry point
    ・Reduce the birth rate by expansion of LGBTQ rights
    ・Moral destruction and dismantling of the family by lowering of sex education and sexual activities
    ・Strengthen central control by encouraging the sharing from ownership
    ・Travel restrictions, movement restrictions, and direct population reduction due to the artificial epidemic of infectious diseases and vaccination status
    ・Create of war, civil war and social conflict
    ・Strengthening the unity of small elite sharing secrets of complicity relationships such as pedophilia crimes and human meat eating
    ・Guidance to the above items using SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) as a front sign

    The author believes that the CO2 global warming theory is the opposite of the causal relationship between CO2 increase and global warming, but the Great Reset proponents also seem to advocate this to conserve natural resources.
  5. “Deep State (DS)” and their worldview
    DS has also been described as Freemasonry, Illuminati, Cabal, Jewish, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Committee of 300, and in some cases evil alien life, but this is not confirmed. Although there is no formal organization in DS, the auther believes that there is a kind of “deep mutual aid association” that unites for the benefit of each under the guidance and intimidation of a minority who share the same direction. The big guys pushing for the Great Reset are Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and George Soros.

    They take an atheistic and materialistic position and the auther strongly feel a desire to build a lasting paradise and domination on earth. In other words, it is a challenge to God and the creation of a new God.
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