criteria revision increased High Blood Pressure(標準修改增加了血圧)


The blood pressure standard was significantly lowered after the Year 2000.

<Blood pressure standard until Year 1999>
・Over 70 years old: below 180
・Under 70 years old: below 160

<Blood pressure standard afterl Year 2000>
・regardless age: below 140

In the past, blood pressure standards were regulated according to age. The reason is that blood vessels become stiffer with age, and it is necessary to raise blood pressure in order to distribute sufficient blood flow throughout the body. Therefore, in the past, blood pressure was said to be the age + 90~100, which was higher than the current standard. However, now the blood pressure standard is 140 regardless of age, and we can clearly see that this standard value is wrong. So why was it suddenly lowered by 40? When new standard was regulated, drugs that lower blood pressure were developed in the USA. Hospitals, doctors and drag companies started making money by prescribing these drugs. However, in response to your concern that high blood pressure is dangerous, you need to consider the purpose of blood pressure. Optimal blood pressure is necessary for the brain to send enough blood to function normally. For example, an animal giraffe has a very high blood pressure of 270, but because it has a long neck, it needs such a high blood pressure to get enough blood to the brain.

Here is the question. For example, let’s say a 60yo has a blood pressure of 160. What happens to the brain if you reduce to 120? There are results that the blood needed for the brain does not go there, making it easy to develop dementia and Alzheimer’s, and to have a cerebral infarction. How did you all feel when you heard this? When a country and health organization change its health standards, there are often interests behind it. Since it is difficult to know true information by TV or newspaper, let’s collect a wide range of information on the Internet or books. Since everyone has their own optimal blood pressure, so it is recommended that you monitor it daily for any major changes. If it is abnormal, then I recommend you to try Jorei-Healing which does not use any drugs.

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