Jewish history:Vol.1 Genesis ~ Promised Land (犹太历史:创世纪~应许之地)


by Musubi University Channel

Jewish has nothing to do with the Jorei-Healing, but it is described in the Dead Sea Scrolls that a Jewish sect will go east and become “the light of the East” and come back, so in order to find its roots, I have organized an outline of the Old Testament, which is the basis of the 3 major religions, from the same channel based on YouTube.

【Genesis】The earth was a dark world, but God appeared, and light appeared and divided it into heaven and earth. And he made Adam (male) out of earthly soil, and Eve (woman) with part of his flank. The two lived in the Garden of Eden, where there were many fruits, but the devil appeared. Since the devil could not win by fighting God directly, devil tempted Eve to take revenge on God by defiling God’s creation, man. Eve and Adam were expelled from paradise by touching God’s scales because they tried to eat the “fruit of wisdom” that was forbidden by God, and tried to eat the “fruit of life” that gives them eternal life. Adam and Eve had two sons (Cain and Abel), but Cain killed Abel. As the number of such selfish people increased and became uncontrollable, God reflected that the work (humans) created was a failure, and tried to destroy all mankind once and for all by the great flood. However, Noah, who was pure in heart and strongly believes in God, caught God’s eye, and his family and all living things were spared from the calamity of the Great Flood and saved by God’s mission to build an ark. After heavy rains and floods, the ark was drawn and washed up to the top of the mountain, so Noah and his three sons survived Shem (the ancestor of the Jews and Arabs), Ham (the ancestor of North Africa), and Japheth (the ancestor of the Europeans). After that, the three of them began to build a high tower that ascended to heaven with the cooperation of people from all over the world to challenge God, and God punished them when they reached the top of the clouds and soon reached the heavens where God lived. The punishment was that God broke up the words they were using and made it impossible for the construction to continue, so they all left the tower (Tower of Babel).

Later, Abraham was born in Shem, who became the direct ancestor of the Jews. Abraham was a nomadic patriarch who was not blessed with children even at the age of 100. He wanted an heir, but his wife Sara was 90 yo, so he gave up, and made a baby with a slave woman named Ishmael. When Abraham came to the Sinai Peninsula in the middle of a nomadic journey, a God appeared from the fire on the gas and fulfilled his wish for an heir. Later, he had a baby with his wife of 90 years, whom he named Isaac. As a result, Ishmael and slave woman were exiled to Arabia and became Arab ancestors, still believing that Arabs and Jews are relatives. Abraham was sacrificing sheep as a thank you to God, but one day God told him to give him what he loved the most, not the sheep. He decided to offer young Isaac and drew his sword to kill Isaac when an angel appeared and found that he had been tested. And Abraham was praised for being so wonderful that God made a covenant with him. It was called the “Promised Land” because it said that the descendants of the Jews would continue to increase in the future, so they would give him land.

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