God protected him from catastrophe(上帝保护他免受灾难)



Mr. G.S.’s parents are the Jorei-Healing members and he had been receiving the Jorei-Healing since he was a child. He believed in Jorei-Healing, but after starting to work, work became the center of his life and he was busy thinking about his future. But, in this experience, he was grateful to the God saved him and his friends from the catastrophe of burned 500 people. And at the same time, he also learned the important thing. It was an accident on June 27, 2015. He went to Baxian Water Park on the suburb of Taipei with 8 friends. After the evening music event began, where participants danced to the music and been sprayed colored powder. They were dancing in the front row of the stage, so the powder was attached all over their bodies, and powder entered their noses and ears, which made them feel uncomfortable, so they left to take a shower. Five minutes later, the powder ignited, and shortly after, a dust explosion occurred. When he came back from the shower, paradise had turned into hell. The flames flared up all at once, and the powdery ground caught fire and even the body of a person caught fire. It was like being in a pot of hot oil, and the people who were there had nowhere to escape. Some people jumped into the pool because of the pain of burns, and the area turned into a sea of blood. Burnt skin was scattered everywhere, and many people were charred and trembling in fear as they cried out in terrible pain. He and his friend, who were at the site, thought only of desperately helping with the relief efforts. He did hope that as many people as possible would be saved. The next morning, when he was having breakfast with his friends, he realized that he was alive and saved. He had never felt the importance of life so firsthand. This time, he certainly felt God’s great protection and thanked God from the bottom of his heart, and he became a Jorei-Healing Member. He will never forget the gratitude that God protected him and his friends from a terrible catastrophe, and he desires to save as many people as possible.

*I Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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