Jewish History: Vol.4 relationship between Japan and Jews(犹太史:日本与犹太人的关系)


by Musubi University Channel

After the destruction of the Israel kingdom by the Assyrian kingdom and the 10 tribes were taken away to the east, it passed through Central Asia, Heading to China, Southeast Asia and Japan, there seems to be traces of it. How is the relationship between Jews and Japan?

Mr.Nicholas MacLeod, a Scotsman, noticed a striking resemblance between the rituals of the Old Testament and the rituals of the Japan shrines, and published a book in 1875. In other words, since past150 years, the relationship between Japan and Jews was noted, and the same ancestor theory of both peoples began. Even in Japan, there was talk at that time that the government and military helped and accepted Jews who were discriminated against. The FUGU Plan was a concrete plan to accept Jewish refugees into Manchuria and develop the Manchurian economy. At that time Japan, Nazi Germany criticized Japan about the protection of Jews by the government and military, but they defended the Jews.

In the 1960s, Marvin Tokayer, a Jewish rabbi (missionary), came to Japan to explore the similarities between Japan and Jews, leaving a book called Sealed Ancient History and the Mystery of the Lost Ten Tribes of Jews.

Also, Joseph Eidelberg, an Israeli linguist, became a priest at a shrine in Japan and studied and found similarities between Japanese and Hebrew. More than 3000 words are similar to Japanese, and the origin of Katakana in Japanese was found to be similar to Hebrew characters.

In Japan, Emperor Jinmu is the first emperor, also known as Kamyamato Iwarebiko smeramikoto which the meaning of Japanese is the founder of the Japan kingdom ruled by God. But in Hebrew, God of the noble founder of Hebrew people, and the king of Samaria (the name of the region of Palestine). It is somehow a very similar etymology and feels related to the imperial family. Also, is it a coincidence that the chrysanthemum emblem used by the Japan’s imperial family is the same as Herod’s Gate on the north walls of Jerusalem?

The connection between Japan and Jews is widespread in Israel, with the Israeli ambassador to Japan visiting Japan shrines to investigate and Israeli television stations featuring the homologies. If we assume that the 10 tribes that were taken east and disappeared after the destruction of the Jewish kingdom in BC722 were to cross over to Japan, the timing with BC660, when Emperor Jinmu ascended the throne, is not too strange. It is said that Emperor Jinmu’s great-grandfather was a Ninigino-mikoto who came to Takachiho from the sky, but it is unlikely that he descended to the earth like aliens from space, and the truth is that the Jews came to Kyushu by ship seems more natural. Later, while increasing his descendants, he entered the Kii-Peninsula through the Seto-Inland-Sea, where he won a battle against Nagasunehiko, who was superior at the time, and ruled the Japan. At that time, Nagasunehiko asked Emperor Jinmu, “Why interfere us with the unification of Yamato Kingdom?” and Emperor Jinmu replied, “I was chosen by God and have been given the right to rule this country by Amaterasu.” Then, Nagasuneko replied, “My god, Nigihayahi was also chosen by the God,” and Emperor Jinmu was amazed to see the evidence. Because their God was same. Since Nigihayahi had ruled Japan first, the ten tribes of Jews who became nomadic people came to Japan earlier and may have become Nigiyahahi party, and the two tribes of Jews who became nomadic people due to the persecution of the Roman Empire may have become the Jinmu party. To be continued.

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