18years of skin disease cured in 0.5year(18年皮肤病0.5年治愈)



Mr.Y.O had been suffering from a skin disease for 18 years and had a 10cm eczema on the back of his head. He tried all the treatments that were said to be good, such as acupuncture and moxibustion. But even if it was in good condition temporarily, it gradually returned to its original state and did not recover. And when the itch started, he would scratch it until it bled. Around that time, he learned that his niece and aunt-in-law’s terrible allergic to pollen had been completely cured with Jorei-Healing, so he decided to try it too. On the night he received the first Jorei-Healing, his lower back, which he had been massaged by his child every day, became easier and he could sleep without need. After that, the massage was unnecessary and his family was surprised. It also relieved the pain in the calves of his legs and numbness in his palms. The skin disease was gradually recovering by repeatedly itching for 3 months, and it cured after half a year. He was relieved of the skin disease that he had suffered for 18 years, and he was impressed by the wonderful effect of the Jorei-Healing. And his family of six have become Jorei-Healing members. He used to order expensive treatments and supplements and try them, but thanks to Jorei-Healing, the medicine has disappeared from his house and 5 years have passed. He also no need for hospitals. In the future, he hopes to convey the wonderfulness of Jorei-Healing to everybody and make as many people as possible happy.

*I Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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