INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION healed just before surgery(肠梗阻刚刚痊愈手术前)



Mr. R.N had been suffering from constipation for many years. When constipation was severe, laxatives and enemas did not work, and he could not eat. When examined at the hospital, he was diagnosed with intestinal obstruction and was told that surgery was necessary, so he was immediately hospitalized and continued with an intravenous drip. His daughter suggested that he try Jorei-Healing, and at that time, he learned for the first time that she was a Jorei-Healing member. During the 8 days in the hospital, he received the Jorei-Healing from his daughter all the time, but stool did not come out. Then, on the day of the surgery, when he was being carried to the operating room and changing clothes, he suddenly felt discomfort in his abdomen and told the doctor. After that all the stools that had accumulated for more than 2 weeks came out. Doctors and nurses were all amazed at how miracle it was. He was relieved that could avoid surgery which open his abdomen. When he returned to the hospital room, his wife and daughter welcomed him with great joy. He and his family convinced that it was thanks to the Jorei-Healing. He then became a Jorei-Healing member and has been grateful every day ever since.

*I Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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