Jewish History: Vol.5 Jewish statues unearthed from Japan ruins(日本遗址出土的犹太雕像)


From Hidemichi Tanaka’s room channel

The previous story was that the 10 tribes that disappeared from around BC600 came to Japan through Mongolia, Tibet, and Korea, but there are more specific historical facts. It is thought that those who were destroyed when many wars broke out in the West were lured to the rising sun in the east because of their belief in the sun and their nature of worshipping the sun. Jews are not sun believers, but because they went east and took the Silk Road as human nature, many Jewish countries were established along the road. It is described in the oldest Japan history book that around the 5th ~ 6th centuries, there was a large Jewish country called Yuzuki around Kazakhstan, and Jews in the country came to Japan through Korea in fact. It is said that many of them came to Japan before the Great Wall was built, took the name of Hata, and had a great influence on Japan as a real historical figure. There were also two conclusive pieces of evidence that Jews came to Japan. The first is the many Jewish HANIWA (which is ceramic and berried together with great person cemetery) excavated from the ruins of Japan. Second, recent DNA testing had scientifically proven that 40% of the genes of Japan people and the 10 disappeared Jewish tribes have the same chromosomes. This gene chromosome is absent in Koreans and Chinese. These are evidence that Jews did indeed come to Japan. Until now, Japan historians have avoided the Jewish migration theory, saying that they do not want to get involved in the Jewish issue or that it is a false story, but it is no longer possible to avoid it, and the ancestry theory of Jews and Japan people has recently been discussed all over the world.

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