Recover from Headache and sleepless caused by medicines(从头痛和失眠中恢复过来药物引起的)



Ms.E.O was told that she had high blood pressure when she had a regular checkup 22 years ago, and was prescribed high blood pressure medication even though she was fine. The doctor told her not to stop taking the medicine halfway, and she continued to take it for 13 years, believing that it was good. However, the movement of her right hand suddenly became a little worse, so when she was examined, the capillaries in her brain were slightly internally cut and bleeding. And she was hospitalized and her limb movement improved through rehabilitation. However, when she had a body check-up before discharge from hospital, she was surprised to be told that her blood pressure and other values were all worse. She had been taking the medicine for 13 years, as the doctor told me, but she did not know why all figure were getting worse, and she began to suspect that the medicine was not good. The diagnosis was that there was a lump in the capillary about the size of the tip of a little finger, and if left untreated, it could grow and become a big problem, so it might be better to remove the lump while it was small, and she was told that it was up to her decision. After consulting with her family, she underwent surgery. Even though she had surgery believing that removing the bad parts would make her better, she started to have headaches and sleepless right after the surgery and suffered very much. One day, a friend of her introduced the Jorei-Healing because she couldn’t stand seeing her in trouble like this. She immediately visited the Jorei-Healing branch and heard about the medicinal toxins from the branch master, and all her questions were clarified. However, she couldn’t believe that she could recover with the Jorei-Healing practice and did not go to the branch for a month. However, her headache did not heal and she was weakened by sleeplessness, so she decided to receive the Jorei-Healing. When she received the Jorei-Healing at the branch, to her surprise, her headache eased a little. And her headache improved more after back to house and she could sleep from the night. Accordingly, she became a member of the Jorei-Healing member 2 months later. Thanks to the Jorei-Healing, various physical issues improved and she became more energetic. Seeing her recovery, a total of five of her daughters and grandchildren had joined the member, and all of them are living in good health without medicine. She regretted that her simple thinking that medicine would make her better, and surgery to remove bad parts make her better. Also, she regretted she couldn’t believe that she could get better in a way that was like the Jorei-Healing. She was convinced and grateful that this is all thanks to the Jorei-Healing. Even if you doubt the Jorei-Healing, there is no difference with the effect. Toxins in the body are excreted and everyone become healthy, so she hopes that those in need will experience the Jorei-Healing.

(Blogger’s opinion)
First, please know that the CURRENT STANDARD for hypertension (either upper 90 or higher or lower 140 or higher) is lowered from PREVIOUS STANDARD after year 2000, and people who were diagnosed as a hypertension were increased. Please refer to the COLUMN in my blog about the blood pressure figure. PREVIOUS optimum blood pressure is defined by age. Even if you are diagnosed with high blood pressure by a doctor according to the CURRENT STANDARDS, almost all of them are within the PRIVIOUS STANDARD figure. Next is high blood pressure medicines which was advised not to stop once start taking. Once you started, you will become a good regular customer for doctors and medicine companies, and if you get worse like this experience story, they can connect the next treatment for aftereffect and they can earn even more. In general, high blood pressure medicines, cause cerebrovascular disease, as shown in this experience. I want to tell you that the best way to stop the cycle of dirt of blood which is cause of sick is to stop taking medicine, and do the Jorei-Healing which is promoting the natural purification action.

*I Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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