

Entire family was saved by the Jorei-Healing(全家人都被净礼治愈术拯救了)

Japan Mr. Y.O.'s (53yo) mother had childhood asthma when she was a child, so after getting a job, she was barely able to...

Glass piece came out of his legs(玻璃碎片从他腿上掉了出来)

Japan One day, Mr. K.N. (69yo) was cleaning up at a construction site when he broke a 5-millimeter glass plate and a bro...

Endometritis, 10 days of life saved(子宫内膜炎,挽救了10天的生命)

Japan Ms.N.K.'s (76yo) mother will talk about her illness experience when she was 27yo. Her mother was bleeding continuo...

Recovering from a stroke(从中风中恢复)

Nepal Mr. M.B.D. (69yo) has always been a heavy smoker who drinks a lot. When he was 63yo, he suffered a stroke and was ...

Received a long-awaited baby(收到了期待已久的宝贝)

Japan Ms.H.K.(75yo) got married at the age of 25 and then stopped her period, so she thought she was pregnant. However, ...

Heart stopped for 13 minutes, but regained normal(心脏停止跳动13分钟后恢复正常)

Taiwan Ms.J.S. (50yo) was invited by a friend to receive the Jorei-Healing 20 years ago, but at that time she didn't fee...


日本 Mr.K.H遭遇了一场大事故。他去一位商业伙伴那里用卡车取了钢筋。吊车悬挂的钢筋撞上了直立的H型钢,朝他落下。他试图逃跑,但来不及,一块500公斤的H型钢掉在了他的大腿上。尽管客户员工花了一些时间才将其取出,但最终还是将他从H型钢下面...

The miracle of getting PREGNANT(怀孕的奇迹)

Nepal Ms.R.T.(42yo) was 23 yo when she took medication for 2 years to treat her shoulder pain, but it didn't get better ...

Miraculous recovery from severe burial alive(从严重的活埋中奇迹般地恢复)

Nepal Mr.B.R. was hit by the Nepal earthquake on April 25, 2015. 8567 people lost their lives in this earthquake. At tha...

Saved from pneumonia by miracle(奇迹般地从肺炎中拯救了)

U.S.A. When Ms.F.O. was in her mother (as a baby), baby was in a breech state. So, mother’s womb was pulled to the side ...
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