Others Vascular disorders cured(血管疾病治愈) JapanMr. H.O.(32yo) was confident in his physical strength until 13yo, especially baseball. However, when he turned 14yo... 2023.09.19 OthersStrories
Others 尿道结石排出 日本T.N.先生是淨靈会员。有一天,他根本无法排尿。他想小便,但去厕所却尿不出来。实在是太痛苦了,他出了一身冷汗。于是,他进行了净礼治疗,一块大石头(直径11x10毫米)出来了,紧接着就流出了血尿。但尿量却只有十几滴。分主来到他家进行淨靈治... 2023.09.18 OthersStories CN
Others Uterine fibroids cured-2(子宫肌瘤治愈了) JapanMs.H.N. went to the hospital in April 1987 because of a problem with his lower back and stomach. She was diagnosed ... 2023.09.15 OthersStrories
Others Duodenal ulcer completely cured(十二指肠溃疡彻底治愈) JapanMr. M.O.(49yo) was diagnosed with duodenal ulcer and was hospitalized for about 2 months. Even after he was dischar... 2023.09.04 OthersStrories
Others Swelling and pain in the throat were healed by toxin excretion(喉咙肿痛因排毒而痊愈) JapanMs.M.F.(44yo) had adenoids removed, took a lot of herbal medicine for whooping cough, had long-term treatment of hi... 2023.09.02 OthersStrories
Others hearing loss gradually improved after severe eczema(严重湿疹后听力逐渐好转) Mr. K.S. (15yo) was born deaf. When he was 13 yo, his face and chest started to turn red, but he didn't care. One year l... 2023.09.01 OthersStrories
Others Whooping cough cured 2 times faster(百日咳治愈速度快了2倍) JapanMr. H.K.(34yo)’s eldest daughter, Miyoko (7yo) has been growing up well without medicine since she was born. Until ... 2023.08.31 OthersStrories
Others Serious complex pelvic fracture healed in 2months(严重复杂盆骨骨折2个月痊愈) JapanMr.H.O.(71yo)'s friend suffered a complex pelvis fracture in a car accident and was diagnosed with a 6 months recov... 2023.08.30 OthersStrories
Others INTESTINAL TORSION? cured in 1 day(肠扭转?1天痊愈) JapanMs.Y.U.(56yo) had many relatives are medical professionals, but since she learned about the Jorei-Healing, she has ... 2023.08.29 OthersStrories
Others Saved from Despair and Full of Hope(离开绝望并充满希望) FranceMs.C.M.B.(27yo) found out about the Jorei-Healing in 1990 and her life has changed for the better. At the time, sh... 2023.08.28 OthersStrories