

POLYPS on VOCAL CORDS healed(声带息肉痊愈)

JapanSinger Ms.K.K. had polyps on her vocal cords and was in trouble because the doctor told her that she would have to ...

recovery from HEPATITIS(肝炎康复)

IndiaShe got hepatitis when she was 6 months old. After that, she was suffering from gastritis and various other problem...

Rheumatism was cured in 4 months(风湿4个月疮愈)

JapanMs.F.N (66yo) became rheumatism 31 years ago. At first, she started going to the hospital because her wrist hurt. A...

Toxins came out and eczema was cured(毒素出来了,湿疹好了)

JapanMs.M.K. had eczema symptoms all over her face when she was 4 months old. The skin cracked, bleed, and the lid was f...

ATOPIC(3) DERMATITIS cured(特应性皮炎治愈)

JapanMs.M.N is a member of Jorei-Healing and has a 2yo daughter named Shiho. One year ago, Shiho’s right eyelid has beco...

HEADACHE and low blood pressure cured(头痛和低血压治愈)

NepalMr. S.B.S.S (53yo) has been suffering from headaches since he was 23yo. No matter what treatment was done, the pain...

chest lump was disappeared in 10 months(胸部肿块在10个月内消失)

FranceMs.C.M., (39yo), became scared when she noticed a lump in her left breast in January 1997. Her mother had died des...

STOPPED MEDICINES and became healthy(停止药物并变得健康)

JapanMs.I.T began to have swollen and painful gums and headaches since she delivered 2nd baby. At the same time, she had...

MENINGIOMA improved(脑膜瘤好转)

JapanWhen Ms.T.K. was 69yo, she sometimes had severe headaches and was irritated all the time, so she went to the hospit...

SWELLING was recovered by excretion of pus(排脓消肿)

JapanMs.M.T is a member of Jorei-Healing. When she was a college student, the area around her ears was swollen, but ther...