Others DEAF boy was cured(聋男孩被治愈) Brazil Ms.I.R.D received a 4 months old baby boy from someone in need and was carefully taking care of him. However, whe... 2023.04.18 Others
Asthma recovered from ASTHMA(3)(哮喘痊愈) Japan Ms.T.M. was diagnosed with bronchial asthma when she was 3 years old. Every time she had an asthma attack, she wen... 2023.04.17 Asthma
Heart HEART DISEASE cured(治好了心脏病) Japan Since Ms.Y.M was feeling chest pain during 5 minutes after woke up in every morning, she went to the hospital. The... 2023.04.14 HeartStrories
Others hellish life changed to HEAVENLY life(地狱的生活变成了天堂的生活) France Ms.M.T.L. was very ill, both mentally and physically. An ultrasound showed that there were several large tumors (... 2023.04.13 OthersStrories
Others PROSTATE issue cured(前列腺问题治愈) France Mr. J.B. suffered from a prostate condition. He was recommended to be hospitalized for one week for a detailed ex... 2023.04.12 OthersStrories
Others IMMOVABLE NECK recovered shortly (固定的颈部在短时间内恢复) Brazil Mr. S.A. injured his neck in an accident while driving. He had tried various treatments at the hospital for four ... 2023.04.11 OthersStrories
Others INFANTILE PARALYSIS recovery(小儿麻痹康复) Mr. D.D.A.P/Brazil became infantile paralysis when he was 6yo and lost sensation in his legs. One day, his mother heard ... 2023.04.10 OthersStrories
Others recovery from CONSTIPATION(便秘康复) Ms.S.K./Japan had severe constipation and had been using medication for 6 years. She could not defecate naturally withou... 2023.04.08 OthersStrories
Cancer released from suffering of CANCER (免於癌痛) Ms.S.Z./Taiwan was diagnosed with endometrial cancer. Since she got scared, she had surgery to completely remove the ute... 2023.04.07 CancerStrories
Others URETHRAL STONES discharge(尿道结石排泄) Mr.T.N./Japan is a Jorei member. One day, he could not urinate at all. He wanted to urinate, but when he went to the toi... 2023.04.06 OthersStrories