

Kidney stones are reduced(肾结石减少)

NepalMr. M.B. (67yo) was 47 years old in 2004 when he felt unwell and went to the hospital, where he was told to take me...

Acute cough asthma cured(急性咳嗽哮喘痊愈)

JapanMr. N.N.(66yo) learned about the Jorei-Healing through his mother. When he was 33yo, his health deteriorated from s...

5 years of sore throat completely cured in 8 months(5年喉咙痛8个月完全治愈)

NepalMs.M.U.(53yo) started having throat discomfort when she was 36yo. There was always a feeling of something stuck in ...

Saved from the anxiety of blindness(从失明的焦虑中得救)

JapanMs.K.H.(70yo) knew Jorei-Healing through her mother's hepatitis. Her mother had a bad liver and was treated at the ...

Anemia and hepatitis cured(贫血、肝炎痊愈)

JapanMs. Y.M.(71yo) delivered her first daughter by cesarean section when she was 27yo, but due to a blood transfusion a...

Entire family was saved by the Jorei-Healing(全家人都被净礼治愈术拯救了)

JapanMr. Y.O.'s (53yo) mother had childhood asthma when she was a child, so after getting a job, she was barely able to ...

Years of eczema cured(多年湿疹痊愈)

JapanMs.N.M.(32yo) has been developing blistering eczema on the fingertips of both hands since she was in elementary sch...

Glass piece came out of his legs(玻璃碎片从他腿上掉了出来)

JapanOne day, Mr. K.N. (69yo) was cleaning up at a construction site when he broke a 5-millimeter glass plate and a brok...

Years of fatigue-feeling cured(多年的疲劳感得到治愈)

JapanWhen Ms.E.S.(69yo) was 28yo, much irregular bleeding continued for 10 days. So, she went to the hospital and she im...

Bowel prolapse and eczema cured(脱垂和湿疹痊愈)

JapanMr. K.M.(76yo) became a member when he was 26yo. That year, he had a prolapse and needed surgery immediately. When ...