Others Breathlessness caused by hyperventilation has been cured(过度换气已治愈) JapanMr. A.G.(63yo) was 21yo when he was out for work when he suddenly found it difficult to breathe. He did not care at... 2024.01.24 OthersSkinStrories
Brain Chronic migraines cured(慢性偏头痛治愈) NepalMr. R.T.H.'s (63yo) wife suffered from migraines and mental phobias 20 years ago. For that reason, she tried variou... 2024.01.23 BrainStrories
Others Stomach ulcer recovered(胃溃疡痊愈了) JapanMr. Y.O. (68yo) loved sports when he was a child and was energetic. However, when he was 15yo, he suddenly felt sic... 2024.01.22 OthersStrories
Others Growing pains and Hydronephrosis recovered (生长痛和肾积水康复) JapanMs.H.M.(29yo) was 11yo when she developed growing pains. It is a symptom of pain all over the body when the body gr... 2024.01.21 OthersStrories
Miracle Endometritis, 10 days of life saved(子宫内膜炎,挽救了10天的生命) JapanMs.N.K.'s (76yo) mother will talk about her illness experience when she was 27yo. Her mother was bleeding continuou... 2024.01.20 MiracleOthersStrories
Miracle Recovering from a stroke(从中风中恢复) NepalMr. M.B.D. (69yo) has always been a heavy smoker who drinks a lot. When he was 63yo, he suffered a stroke and was r... 2024.01.19 MiracleOthersStrories
Skin Eczema cured(湿疹治愈了) JapanMr. K.K.(79yo) had had eczema since December 2016. A red rash began to appear from the shins to the calves of both ... 2024.01.18 SkinStrories
Asthma Asthma improved(哮喘改善) JapanMr. H.N. (71yo) underwent adenoid surgery when he was 9yo. In addition, his asthma was severely treated, but his au... 2024.01.17 AsthmaStrories
Others Pain in the lower back and both knees has been cured(腰部及双膝疼痛已痊愈) TaiwanMs. L.P.M. (69yo) has been a chef for 30 years since she was in her 30s. She had back pain and both knees due to s... 2024.01.15 OthersStrories
Miracle Received a long-awaited baby(收到了期待已久的宝贝) JapanMs.H.K.(75yo) got married at the age of 25 and then stopped her period, so she thought she was pregnant. However, t... 2024.01.12 MiracleOthersStrories