Others The displaced kneecap was restored(移位的膝板已恢复) JapanMs.M.I.(66yo) slipped and fell 1 year ago while carrying a heavy bag of rice. At that time, she hit her right knee ... 2024.01.11 OthersStrories
Others Saved from the surgery days of despair(从手术的绝望日子中拯救出来) JapanMs.R.H. (86yo) was born and was healthy. But she started feeling unwell and began to go to the hospital after getti... 2024.01.10 OthersStrories
Others Autonomic nervous disorder cured(自主神经紊乱治愈) JapanMs. F.O. (83yo) started having migraines when she was 30yo, and she went to a neurosurgeon to see if there was one,... 2024.01.09 OthersStrories
Others Rheumatism cured(风湿病痊愈了) NepalWhen Ms.Rama(13yo) was 7yo, she became unwell. She had a fever and body aches, so she went to the hospital, but the... 2024.01.08 OthersStrories
Cancer Stomach cancer cured(胃癌治愈了) JapanMr. Y.Z. (53yo) had been feeling stomach pain and nausea after eating since 2013. He used to drive a car a lot for ... 2024.01.07 CancerStrories
Others Saved from fever, abdominal pain, vomiting and the despair of hospitalization(摆脱发烧、腹痛、呕吐和住院的绝望) NepalMs.G.G.(35yo) was hospitalized for 10 days when she suddenly started having a fever, abdominal pain, and vomiting w... 2024.01.06 OthersStrories
Others Viral gastroenteritis cured(病毒性胃肠炎痊愈) JapanMs.M.I.(34yo) is a Jorei-Healing member and began diarrhea on January 8, followed by fever and vomiting in the even... 2024.01.05 OthersStrories
Others Diabetes is cured and doctor amazed(糖尿病被治愈了,医生感到惊讶) JapanMs.E.T.(74yo) was diabetic long time and always conscious of not getting her blood sugar levels worse, and she was ... 2024.01.04 OthersStrories
Cancer The lump in the breast disappeared(乳房肿块消失了) FranceMs.K.M.(64yo) became a Jorei-Healing member in 1996. Since that day, she recovered from various sickness, so she w... 2024.01.03 CancerOthersStrories
Others Eczema, immobile neck, and severe abdominal pain go away(湿疹、颈部不动和剧烈腹痛消失) JapanMs.K.T. (79yo) became a member because his wife and son got better with various illnesses with Jorei-Healing. When ... 2024.01.02 OthersStrories