Skin Eczema on the hands cured(手上的湿疹治好了) JapanMs.A.M. (50yo) grew up receiving the Jorei-Healing, because her parents were Jorei-Healing members. Since she was b... 2024.11.01 Skin
Skin Years of eczema cured(多年湿疹痊愈) JapanMs.N.M.(32yo) has been developing blistering eczema on the fingertips of both hands since she was in elementary sch... 2024.01.29 SkinStrories
Others Bowel prolapse and eczema cured(脱垂和湿疹痊愈) JapanMr. K.M.(76yo) became a member when he was 26yo. That year, he had a prolapse and needed surgery immediately. When ... 2024.01.25 OthersSkinStrories
Others Breathlessness caused by hyperventilation has been cured(过度换气已治愈) JapanMr. A.G.(63yo) was 21yo when he was out for work when he suddenly found it difficult to breathe. He did not care at... 2024.01.24 OthersSkinStrories
Skin Eczema cured(湿疹治愈了) JapanMr. K.K.(79yo) had had eczema since December 2016. A red rash began to appear from the shins to the calves of both ... 2024.01.18 SkinStrories
Skin Eczema all over the face cured(满脸湿疹治好了) JapanMs.C.N. (51yo) had been receiving the Jorei-Healing since childhood. When she was 38yo, she started to have coin-si... 2023.10.06 SkinStrories
Skin The lump on the back disappeared(背上的肿块消失了) JapanMr. N.M.(76yo) found a small lump on his back when he was around 30yo. He didn't care at the time, but when he was ... 2023.09.08 SkinStrories
Skin 特应性皮炎治愈(2) 台湾J.Z.女士的孙女被诊断出患有特应性皮炎。她的孙女7岁的时候,左肩上结了一个痂,很痒,后来逐渐蔓延到其他部位的皮肤。她接受了药膏和内服药物,并采取了驱虫措施来预防蜱虫。比如毯子、床单、枕头等等,要花很多钱。最可怜的是,孙女的身体因为药物... 2023.09.06 SkinStories CN
Skin Herpes zoster cured(带状疱疹治愈了) JapanMs.Y.N. is a Jorei-Healing member. She liked dressmaking, so she frequently sewed, and ironed clothes. She didn't h... 2023.07.17 SkinStrories
Skin Atopic(5) dermatitis cured(特应性皮炎治愈) JapanMs.S.K. met Jorei-Healing when she was suffering from stuffing nose sick before, and fully got better, and since sh... 2023.07.11 SkinStrories