
Oishi commentary  May 5, 2022
Va○○ine aftereffect, lower body paralysis immediately after va○○ine

A man in his 40s in Nagoya suddenly had a high fever of nearly 40 degree-C three weeks after the corona va○○ine, and was temporarily unconscious with meningitis and pneumonia. Also, he didn’t remember anything from that time. And he realized that he was in the hospital and was a lower body paralysis. The doctor diagnosed acute scattered encephalomyelitis which is a disease in which nerves in the brain and cough are damaged by one’s own immunity, making it impossible to move limbs and making it difficult to see. In fact, it has long been known as a serious side effect caused by the influenza vaccine and hepatitis-B va○○ine, and it is also listed as an alarming symptom in this corona va○○ine. Even now, 4 months after being admitted to the rehabilitation hospital, his lower body is paralyzed and has not improved at all, and he cannot excrete by himself. Currently, he supports his body with only his arms and train his upper body so that he can live in a wheelchair. He regrets that he should not have been va○○inated, and that he should have infected by corona virus if it would have caused aftereffect. What worries him is the future life. His house is in the middle of a hill and he can’t move in a wheelchair and needs a car for the disabled. On top of that, the house itself must be barrier-free for people with disabilities and a slope must be built, and the cost is enormous. In addition, there is a lot of anxiety about the future of not being able to work. There is also anxiety about how to support his wife and children, and whether he will be able to continue working even if he has a place to work. Regarding the aftereffect of the corona va○○ine, there is a national relief system, but most of them are only acute allergic symptoms immediately after va○○ination, and if symptoms appear after a long time after va○○ination like him, it is rarely recognized. In Japan, city/town/village offices first accept applications for va○○ine aftereffect and they apply to the national government. Currently, 62 applications have been filed, but only 8 have been granted relief. The government pays the medical expenses of people infected with corona virus, but does not recognize the medical expenses of people with aftereffects of corona va○○ines, and he is angry that all the expensive treatment costs are paid by patients with aftereffect.

(Blogger’s opinion)
According to a several SNS, I saw an article that more than 20 MILLION PEOPLE died and more than 2 BILLION PEOPLE were injured (that is, aftereffect) IN THE WORLD after corona va○○ination. In other words, there are many people in the same situation as the above man. Since the government can give unapproved vaccines to healthy citizens if it declares a state of emergency, the number of false positive patients by PCR tests has been made increased and the state of emergency was declared, the public was frightened by the fear of death and actively and semi-forcibly vaccinated. As a result. Many of the above victims were born. The government basically has no attitude of acknowledging the aftereffects of the va○○ine, and the 6th dose is in progress and the 7th dose is also being prepared. The number of patients with aftereffect is very small compared to all those va○○inated, and this is crazy attitude that disregard for human life that aftereffect and death are indispensable. And now, it is madness that they do not even hide their intentional attitude. Even before the 1st dose, some people on SNS said, “If you don’t want to regret, please don’t get vaccinated”. It was said that the government would not help the victim because the causal relationship between the aftereffect and death and the va○○ine could not be proven, and that the patient would be blamed in the end because the va○○ine would be va○○inated after patient’s consent. And it became a reality. So, at that time, I was appealing about the danger and calling for people not to get va○○inated, so why didn’t I ask? I’d like to say that, but it’s too late. In this age of information, there is a lot of information that is fraudulent and fear-mongering, but there is also a lot of truth. It’s not someone else who sees it and judges it, it’s you. Television and newspapers are full of lies, or they do not broadcast or publish the truth to lead people to their direction. If you do not collect information widely on a daily basis to protect themselves and their families, and do not have the eyes to discern the truth, we will only be deceived and destroyed by overseas puppet governments.

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