
Mr.Oishi commentary  July 14, 2023
“Va○○ine adverse reactions, death immediately after va○○ine”

The va○○ination for corona status in Japan are as follows
(as of July 2023).

◆Japan Population: 124,560,000
◆All vaccination: 448,554,222
◆Side effects: 36,295
◆Deaths after va○○ine: 2,057

◆Applied to rescue systems: 8,138 (for the past 2 years)
◆Side and/or aftereffect approved:  3,362 (for the past 2 years)
◆Death approved:                                109 (for the past 2 years)

On the other hand, how about data for all va○○ines except corona for the past 46 years?
◆Side and/or aftereffect approved: 3,522 (for the past 46 years)
◆Death approved:      151 (for the past 46 years)

If you see that figures of 2 years only for corona soon exceeds that of 46 years for all va○○ines except corona. The government says it cannot determine the causal link between aftereffect and death and the va○○ine, but is aware of all the information. The government responded to the CBC TV interview that it would like to make efforts to ensure that the public can be va○○inated with safe in the future based on information from va○○ine trials.

(Blogger’s opinion)
Japan government recognizes that there will be va○○ine side effects, aftereffects, and deaths, and that the victims will be at an all-time high, but it will not stop. Common sense dictates that if there is a risk of danger, it will be temporarily put on hold until safety can be confirmed, but the government prioritizes va○○ination over safety. Moderna’s va○○ine plant ignored the will of the people and began operations in Minamisoma City, which was damaged by radiation in the East Japan big Earthquake. The 6th dose of va○○ination has also begun, and 2.5 million people are va○○inating per month. And for coronavirus va○○ination in this coming autumn, the government has purchased an additional 25 million doses of XBB-compatible va○○ines. Va○○ination is recommended mainly for the purpose of preventing infection of others and preventing one’s own aggravation, but we have already known the effect of va○○ination cannot be expected because it has also infected others and become severe. Japan government is now a train without brakes and is headed to hell. Japan people don’t understand English and avoid it just by hearing “English”, so there is no way to know the risk of va○○ination or that va○○ination has ended overseas unless TV reports it. Celebrities, athletes, relatives, friends, and neighbors are suddenly died, and the number of excess deaths in Japan exceeds 100,000 per year, which is an abnormal situation. I want to say, please all Japanese immediately wake up to the truth.

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