abnormal EXCESS DEATH(过度死亡・日本)


This is Japan article. The number of excess death in 2022 has been announced.

2022: 130,000 death (40,000 : corona)
2021:  70,000 death (15,000 : corona)
2011:  55,000 death (Year of the Great East Japan Earthquake)

Not only 130,000 in 2022 but also 70,000 in 2021 are abnormal number of excess deaths without any catastrophe. In other words, even if we say that the death due to corona has increased, it is the scale of 55,000. So, the loss of 200,000 people in the past two years is abnormal. Medical institutions cannot explain its reason. In the media, it is said that there were not enough hospitals for corona patients, but I don’t think it is main reason. Looks like many sudden deaths are increasing by Cancers, Heart inflammation and sick related to blood. I also would like to say, less self-immunity by vaccine caused those symptoms. What has really happened in the last two years? It is true there was vaccination in the world by either forcibly or semi-forcibly. From now on, the truth will come to the public more and more. In Europe, the WhatsApp communication between Ministry of Health minister and Prime minister was exposed and we came to know they tried to push citizens to vaccinate by more fear of new virus variant. In USA, again said that Corona virus was leaked from Wuhan Lab/China is highest possibility, because of unnatural abnormal base sequence of virus composition. In Japan, group of lost loved one after vaccination and big group of doctors criticized and sued Japan Government to disclose contract between Government and Vaccine makers. All those criticism was censored by Big-tech and never come out to the public so far, but thanks to non-censorship Twitter, truth started coming out. Recently, the tide has turned as many hidden truths will be exposed in broad daylight, and became the era that RIGHT and WRONG will be divided vertically by God.

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