EXCESS DEATH after Covid19 in Malaysia


Everyone, do you know every country’s annual excess death? If there is no major disaster, the number of people who die every year will be roughly the same or change little by little. However, since 2021, not only corona but also excess deaths other than corona have increased sharply, and it has become an abnormal situation in countries around the world.

The number of excess deaths in Japan has reached more than 200,000 in the two years of 2021~2022, of which 60,000 are corona deaths, so 140,000 are non-corona deaths. It is said that 170,000 people died in the war in Ukraine and Russia, so what is the cause of the comparable deaths to the wars?

On the other hand, Malaysia has 115,000 excess deaths in two years, of which 62,000 (2022 figure was estimated value) are corona deaths, so 53,000 are non-corona deaths. What could be the reason? Corona is one of the causes, but non-corona deaths are increasing. First, please notice that something is wrong. There is an unusual number of similar trends around the world, with excess mortality rates 43% in Iceland, 37% in Germany, 27% in Austria, 25% in Ireland and 25% in France. Netherlands 23%.

Although there are circumstances in each country, deaths from coronavirus are limited. Currently, research on coronavirus, vaccine composition, and vaccine side effects is progressing, and scientists, statisticians, doctors, and righteous politicians in various countries have begun to publish their results on social media, books, conferences, and seminars. With the end of compulsory vaccination and the declaration of a state of emergency and restrictions on movement, the largest medical lawsuit in human history is about to begin.

In Japan, many hospitals and companies fraudulently inflated and applied for PCR and antigen tests, fraudulently receiving government subsidies, have risen to tens of billions of yen, and are on the verge of becoming the largest medical fraud of this century. In addition, more than 2,000 people died after being vaccinated, and only 60 received death compensation, and the number of benefits will continue to increase. The relationship between excess deaths and vaccination is suspected and pursued in the Diet, and the government and Japan medical associations are desperately resisting. In addition, the sixth vaccination has begun, and the movement to vaccinate the public has not stopped. A lawsuit has been initiated for the aftereffects, but it is not reported on TV at all, and it is truly sad that some people want to be vaccinated for the sixth time.

In Malaysia, as mentioned above, the number of deaths other than corona has increased by 53,000 in the two years after corona. Is the reason being analyzed? Was there any update after the politician Mr.Lim Guan Eng mentioned vaccine aftereffects once in parliament? In neighboring Singapore, excess deaths have been reported, and recently the NUS School of Medicine has announced a link between mRNA vaccines and myocarditis. In other words, the analysis would mean that the government is also acquiescing to the question of vaccines.

Rapid physical illness and deterioration of chronic diseases after vaccination, as well as the incidence of cancer and heart disease, are rapidly increasing around the world, confirming the relationship with vaccination, but it does not appear to the public. It can be assumed that the government and medical associations are using the media to regulate reporting, but I think that is not all. Even those who become sick and suspect that vaccination is the cause of it have difficulty accepting the psychology that admitting the mistake of being vaccinated is denying themselves, and their voices may not come out honestly. However, if the results of the vaccine analysis are officially published in the future, it is expected that people will be forced to accept the truth and fall into chaos, so it is better not to run away from this problem, but to think for yourself and thoroughly verify your actions.

If excess death is not due to vaccination, I hope excess death number will be same level of 2020.

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