Glass piece came out of his legs(玻璃碎片从他腿上掉了出来)



One day, Mr. K.N. (69yo) was cleaning up at a construction site when he broke a 5-millimeter glass plate and a broken piece stuck in his leg. At that time, he did not think that the piece remained inside the leg. One day, 2 years later, he noticed that there was suppuration about 1 cm away from the part where the glass piece had been. The pain was so bad that he couldn’t put on his shoes, but after a few days, glass piece came out of his leg little by little. He was surprised, but when he continued to receive the Jorei-Healing, all the glass piece came out and dropped off. In addition to this, he has experienced many other wonderful experiences by the Jorei-Healing, and he was getting healthier and healthier. Also, his business was going very well. A person cannot live alone. With every encounter and connection, he reminds himself of who he is today, and he wants to convey this greatness of the Jorei-Healing with those who are struggling with the disease.

*I refer to the new health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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