Jorei-Healing introduction by Instagram (episode2-What is the sickness?)

Healing Practice

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We inherit natural toxins from our parents before birth, and after birth, we ingest chemical toxins from medicines and food additives, and our bodies will be polluted😫. And when toxins exceed a certain limit, we get sick🤧. Sickness is toxin excretion symptom by the natural healing power to maintain our health good. But why sickness is too stubborn to be cured? There are mainly two reasons,

・One is that chemical toxins increase in our body, because we take medicines
 when we get sick to stop pain. Even worse is excreting original toxins is stopped.

・Another one is that, humans created by nature cannot excrete chemical toxins
 other than natural toxins.

In the end, chemical toxins increase without excretion. In order to reduce pain and recover smoothly, it is most important to excrete chemical toxins. But, is there such a solution in the world?🤔 Continued to episode 3.

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