Jorei-Healing introduction by Instagram (episode4-Principles of JOREI-HEALING)

Healing Practice

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We will explain the most important part of Jorei-healing😊.
Humans are composed of spirit and body, and spirit has the form of a human being, and are closely and inseparable in which spirits manipulate the body. The spirit is the soul, the mind, the thought, and the spirit control the body, not the body moves on its own.

Ingestion of chemical toxins such as medicines and food additives make the blood dirty, and the dirty blood pollutes the spirit😮. Demonic thoughts and actions also directly pollute the spirit👿. And if the polluted parts of the spirit are transferred to the body, the part become sick😷. Therefore, it is effective to cleanse the polluted part, which is the cause of the sickness, with Jorei-Healing. Purification of the spirit maximizes the natural healing power, activates the purifying power, and excretes chemical toxins.

Unfortunately, however, even if many people recover from sick with Jorei-Healing, it is not fully accepted by people because it is unscientific and uncommon😭. But, how about conventional therapies, which are scientific and common sense? The reality is sickness is not cured and many people are looking for help🙏. So, for you to take one step forward, we will introduce the evidence of JOREI-HEALING effect in the next episode5.

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