Jewish History: Vol.3 Promised Land ~ Babylonian Captivity(犹太历史:应许之地巴比伦被囚禁)


by Musubi University Channel

The Old Testament has nothing to do with the Holy Spirit, but it is described in the Dead Sea Scrolls that a Jewish sect will go east and become the “Light of the East” and come back, so in order to find its roots, we have organized an outline of the Old Testament, which is the basis of the three major religions, from the same channel based on YouTube.

The tribes of Israel departed from Mount Sinai and entered the Promised Land, but the Philistines (now Palestinians) had already lived, and war broke out between two tribes. King Saul of the tribe of Israel was in trouble because he could not defeat the giant Goliath, but David defeated Goliath, and the tribe of Israel gained momentum and finally the Philistines perished. It had already taken 40 years to get the Promised Land since left from Mt.Sinai. David became king, established his capital in Jerusalem, and the kingdom of Israel was born (BC 1000). When Solomon who was David’s son became a king, he built solomon’s temple. Up to this point, it is a myth and it is unknown whether Moses really existed, but after this it will be a real story.

The Kingdom of Israel became a large country from Jerusalem to Egypt, and commerce flourished with much local traffic. At the same time, polytheistic were gradually penetrated monotheistic Judaism. The idea that it was not necessary to stick to the Ten Commandments if it was possible to make money appeared, it divided into two tribes that faithfully followed the Ten Commandments and ten tribes influenced by polytheism.

The 10 tribes lived in the northern part of the Promised Land and founded the Kingdom of Israel, but were destroyed by the Assyrian Kingdom in BC722. Many were killed, and those who survived were taken as slaves, but their whereabouts are unknown. There was a rumor that they went to Central Asia, China, Southeast Asia, and Japan while passing on Judaism and its culture influenced by polytheism. The two tribes lived in the south, founded the kingdom of Judah, survived Assyrian attacks, and established Judaism centered in Jerusalem. Namely, they are Jews what we call now.

Since Assyria was also destroyed by Neo-Babylonia, the two tribes were taken away and held captive for about 50 years (Babylonian captivity). Also, Solomon’s temple was destroyed. The Babylonian captivity was a punishment that God angry at the arrogance of the Jews, and they regretted their past behavior and come to strengthen their faith in God more. Later, when the Achaemenid Persian army attacked Neo-Babylonia from the outside, the captive Jews revolted and attacked from the inside, and Neo-Babylonia was finally destroyed. The Jews were freed and returned to Jerusalem to rebuild Solomon’s 2nd temple and town.

After that, they were attacked by the Greek army and rebelled. However, after that, it was invaded by the Roman Empire and existed as a colony, but it started the First Jewish War for independence. The Second Solomon’s Temple was destroyed and the Jews committed suicide at the Battle of Masada. In the Second Jewish War, the war began in opposition to the Roman God (Jupiter) imposed on them, and finally they lost. Jews were no longer allowed to enter Jerusalem, but only once a year. Then began the wanderings of left two tribes of the Jews.

Well, where did the 10 and 2 disappearing tribes go?

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