64 years of Life added by the Jorei-Healing(净靈治疗增加了 64 年的生命)



When Mr. E.S. (87yo) was 23 years old, he was sick and took a lot of medicines. However, his body only got thinner without recovery, and the pharmacist told him to stop taking the medication any longer. Around that time, his boss at the company introduced him to the Jorei-Healing. He didn’t even know what the Jorei-Healing was, but he decided to try it first. Then, to his surprise, he felt a change in his physical condition for the better, so he was happy and continued to receive the Jorei-Healing, and his physical condition got better and better. He was convinced that there was only the Jorei-Healing, and he became a member on that year. After that, he was able to get married, and he told his wife about the Jorei-Healing. His wife didn’t have a good impression, but when she was sick after giving birth, he did the Jorei-Healing and her physical condition improved, and as a result, his wife became a member. At that time, he sometimes had a high fever every month, but he was able to receive the Jorei-Healing from his wife, and his fever went down immediately, and he was able to sleep well and continue working. When he was 80yo, he was partially paralyzed and tried to get up, but he was upside down and couldn’t sit. At this time, his son was also a member, so his wife and son took turns doing the Jorei-Healing, and as a result, he recovered in just two days. At the age of 85yo, he suddenly had difficulty breathing. Because of his old age, he received body checkup and doctor told that only one-third of his organs were functioning due to heart failure. After that, when he received the Jorei-Healing every day, his physical condition gradually improved, and the difficulty of breathing disappeared in 1 month. His grave is located on a hill, and he was very impressed to be able to climb the 130 steps to visit his grave. This year, when he was 87yo, he had a hard time breathing again, but when he asked the Jorei-Healing branch for protection from God and did the Jorei-Healing, he gradually calmed down, and after 4 hours, his breathing stabilized and he was able to eat. In this way, he is truly grateful for many effects of the Jorei-Healing to keep a good in health for a long period of 64 years.

*I refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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