Looking Back Pandemic ‘everything started from the day’



Looking back, it was before the 2020 US presidential election that I began to realize the current crazy world, including the pandemic. On election day 13 November 2020, I thought that President Trump had the upper hand and was going to win. However, the morning after the election, Biden reversed. There was a lot of evidence of fraud on social media, such as sudden power outages at polling places, blocking Republicans from entering polling places, bringing in additional ballots in struggling vehicles loaded with ballots, carrying out ballots by suspicious vehicles, mass disposal of Trump votes in the suburbs, repeatedly counting the same ballots with voting machines, voting machines being connected to the outside world via the Internet, and mass discovery of Chinese ballots. In one state, I saw terrible television images where Trump and Biden’s votes were swapped in an instant. In my heart, I respected the United States, and I believed that elections were sacred and that there would never be any fraud in the developed United States, and that even if there was fraud, good politicians and judges would correct it, but I was betrayed. I was appalled that there was so much evidence of fraud and that the truth was not revealed even though there was testimony from witnesses who had sworn their testimony. I knew that the Hunter Biden PC incident had been spread on SNS since that time, but the FBI ignored the report, and on the contrary, the person who reported it was blamed and harassed, and I felt unreasonable in the United States. Mainstream media ignored and had no influence on Biden in the presidential election. The collusion problem between Hunter Biden and the Chinese company was also prepared with evidence and testimony based on this PC, but the media did not report it at all. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi went mad that Capital was attacked by Trump supporters on January 6, 2021.

continued episode2

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