Mr.B.R. was hit by the Nepal earthquake on April 25, 2015. 8567 people lost their lives in this earthquake. At that time, he was walking by the temple, but suddenly a strong earthquake struck with a loud roar, and he could not even stand. It was a moment event, but the temple building collapsed and his body was buried in rubble. He lost consciousness and he doesn’t remember much about that time, but according to the person who rescued him, his rescue was difficult because he was buried in rubble from the neck down. When he was rescued, he was much bleeding and the bone in his right thigh was visible. He was connected with an oxygen inhaler, and rushed to hospital and taken to the intensive care unit. His right femur, left ankle and left arm were fractured. A fragment of the femur entered the blood vessel and the alveoli became clogged, making it difficult to breathe. While wandering between life and death, his mother continued to pray to God and did the Jorei-Healing. He regained after 30 hours of consciousness absent, and could remove his breathing apparatus. The doctor told him that he needed to take much rest, and he stayed in the intensive care unit for half a day. But he recovered quicker than expected and could discharge from the hospital 2 months later. Right after the discharge, he used a wheelchair. But 2 weeks later, he started rehabilitation and he no longer needed a wheelchair by 1 month. It was a miracle that he recovered in a short period of time thanks to the Jorei-Healing, and now he has returned to his normal life and is attending university. Now, he is conveying this miraculous experience of the Jorei-Healing to as many people as possible.
*I Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.