My mom got Colon CANCER(我妈妈得了结肠癌)



Since blog on March 24th, my mom has survived various symptoms. Since April, the update has stopped because I am doing the Jorei-Healing Association training. After that, the pain of my mom’s cancer continued, and there was no significant change. She lost her appetite and lost weight very much, and I was begging my mom every day to eat more. One day in mid-April, the area near the cancer suddenly began to grew up and swell, and in about a week, it rose significantly. On April 18, the doctor came to visit her and diagnosed that the cancer was getting bigger and worse. However, when she continued to do the Jorei-Healing after that, the raised part gradually became lower, and it seemed to spread to the left and right and to the waist a little. On April 30th, perhaps because of the cancer toxin circulating in her lower back, she suddenly had back pain and my mom was in severe pain and could not move. Only when she goes to the toilet, she should wake up with severe pain, so she was afraid of pain and have reduced the number of times she goes to the toilet. On May 2nd, the doctor came and told that she had only 1~2 weeks left to live due to cancer which grew up bigger and pain in her lower back. She was told that she would not be able to live until the end of May. However, since she could excrete even with a large raised area of about 5 x 4 cm, I felt that this lump was not in the intestine but on the outside of the cancer-affected area, so I could not take the life expectancy sentence by doctor too seriously. The lump suddenly became larger, so it felt like it was caused by blood gathering or something, not cancer. This doctor has seen about 1,000 cancer patients, but all but one of the patients have been treated, and there was only one naturopathic patient without any treatment like my mom, so I thought that his past achievements and experience would not be helpful. Even after this lump was formed, she could continue to eat, although her appetite was small, but she still had a bowel movement, so I thought she could still live. If this large lump was formed in the large intestine, the intestine would be blocked and the stool could not get through and the she would not be able to live for even a week. However, this left life declaration from the doctor surprised and upset my dad, and he had to call her relatives. In the middle of the night, someone had to accompany her to the toilet every time, and I was in charge of that. Every day at 1 a.m. after going to the bathroom, or at 4 a.m. in the morning. As of May 13th, She was alternating between back pain and cancer, and I hope that she will somehow get over it. Yesterday she had a lot of diarrheas and I guess the cancer, the raised lump and the toxins around the waist are starting to come out with diarrhea. Cancer is a natural purification process that releases toxins from the body. The only way to release toxins is for the body to generate fever, dissolve the toxins, and release them with urine, diarrhea, phlegm, and runny nose. A lot of energy is required for excretion, so eating is important. My mom’s red blood cell count is less than half that of a normal person, so eating more and having a strong purification power is the key for recovery. The life expectancy at the end of January this year, which was declared at the end of last year, has already passed 3 months, and the life expectancy of 1~2 weeks newly declared the other day is about to pass. I hope that the reader can understand how wonderful the effect of the Jorei-Healing is. I will report on my mom’s physical condition again.

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