My mam got Colon CANCER(我妈妈得了结肠癌)



Bleeding continued for 4 days. She continue having pain in her lower right stomach. She sometimes felt dizzy and no appetite. But we encouraged her to eat as much as possible to maintain her energy. Fortunately, she could eat no-fertilized rice and vegetable. We can get those rice and vegetable from Jorei-Healing blanch.

She had a slight bleeding during 19 until 30 Sep. When doctor came on 2nd Oct, her tumor which is cancer will increase soon and there is a possibility to spread to other organs. If tumor increase more, she cannot eat food and start vomiting. In this case, dripping will be necessary. She still have anemia (less blood) and it will be severer later. Therefore doctor strongly asked me (as her son) to persuade her to receive CT scan.

But, her decision did not change, so doctor gave up the day and come again for blood check in the begging of Nov.

Her face is whitish by melena. Her legs are swollen. She feels pain. But hanks to the Jorei-Healing, she can bear. She can eat. She can sleep. In the meantime, I found good tendency that her pain is soften after stool. Stool was liquid. If stool was hard, her tumor must be pushed and feel more pain. I thought Jorei-Healing make a best healing condition which does not stress her body.

to be continued.

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