Healing Practice

Taking Japan as an example, after World War II, Japan changed dramatically and the American lifestyle flowed in. The Japan people have been eating natural root vegetables, seafood, and birds with rice as their major food, but now they are eating anti-natural foods such as meat, pesticide vegetables, bread, wheat, process food with food additives, and soft drink. Accordingly, cancer, heart disease and diabetes are increasing. I think the same trend is occurring for countries around the world. The cause of the increase in sick is that the blood becomes dirty due to ingestion of anti-natural substances, and the spirit becomes cloudy and reflected in the physical body. How many healthy people are living a long life and dying today? There are many unhealthy elderly people who are manage to live but they need to go to the hospital or are bedridden and cared for. In order to lead a healthy entire life, it is essential to avoid putting artificial substances into the body, eat natural foods, and cure sick with natural healing power. However, in modern life, it is difficult to obtain completely natural foods. What is the method to excrete toxins of artificial substances that you have ingested unavoidably? Medicines and artificial substances are not excreted by the natural healing power of humans alone, so they are promoted by the Jorei-Healing.

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