Received a long-awaited baby(收到了期待已久的宝贝)



Ms.H.K.(75yo) got married at the age of 25 and then stopped her period, so she thought she was pregnant. However, the diagnosis was uterine growth failure, which required a visit to the hospital. She used to have irregular periods, so she did not care so much, but she was filled with surprise and sadness. After that, taking fertility drugs and injections continued monthly. She couldn’t lift her arm for about a few days after the injection due to pain, and it was difficult to change clothes, so she bought comfortable clothes and lived without using her left arm as much as possible. During the treatment, she had various hallucinatory symptoms. The doctor told her that she didn’t have to worry about it because it was a normal medicine used by people, and the medication and injections continued, and the hallucinations continued. She endured painful treatment for 4 years because she wanted to have a child, but suddenly the doctor told her that there was no possibility of pregnancy even if she continued the treatment, so it was better to stop the treatment. She grieved and despaired. At that time, her back pain was so bad that it was hard to stay in the same position for about 30 minutes, so she managed to work by standing or sitting. This condition continued for about 3 months, so she became anxious and went to an orthopedic surgeon. Then she was told that her lumbar spine was misaligned, which could make it difficult for her to walk in the future, and she was discouraged with surprise, sadness, and anxiety. The back pain was relieved while wearing a cast and corset, but the pain recurred when she took it off. When she told her friend at the same workplace about my anxiety, a friend told her about the Jorei-Healing. Anyway, she visited the Jorei-Healing branch with the intention of making it a little easier. At the branch, she took off the cast and received the first Jorei-Healing, and strangely enough, her back pain eased a little. She had hope in the Jorei-Healing and visited the branch 2~3 times a week to receive it. After that, her back pain got better and better, and after 2 months, she could work without any problems. She tried to walk as much as possible to commute to work, and she walked at least 10,000 steps every day. In addition, her period started without using ovulation stimulants, and she was surprised at the greatness of the Jorei-Healing. If she become a member, she can do the Jorei-Healing by herself, so she became a member after 3 months. Then, after a year, another miracle happened. Despite the doctor’s diagnose of that pregnancy was impossible, she became pregnant. Her husband and parents all became members after seeing her see how everything was getting better with the Jorei-Healing. Even during her pregnancy, she continued to Jorei-Healing and gave birth to a healthy baby boy. She was touched when she held her baby for the 1st time. A friend introduced her to the Jorei-Healing, and her life changed for the better. She is full of gratitude to a friend and to the Jorei-Healing. Two years later, she had second baby. She realized the greatness of the Jorei-Healing. Her two children also grew up healthy with the Jorei-Healing. Now they are both married, have grandchildren, and their grandchildren have joined members. She was very happy because it was her dream that the whole family would become members of the Jorei-Healing. Even after retirement, she walked 10,000 steps every day, and instead of having difficulty walking, she became more and more energetic. She wants as many people as possible to know about this experience.

*I refer to the new health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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