Recovering from Corona2(新冠病毒)


United States

Mr. H.G.(63yo) lives in California and has been a member of the Jorei-Healing for 28 years. On December 4, 2020, he had a severe headache and received the Jorei-Healing at the branch. The next day, he was tested and was diagnosed with corona. After that, he was quarantined at home for 10 days and spent time on the bed. The symptoms were a headache, pain all over the body, and the color of the urine was orange and unusual. He had no sense of smell or taste. After quarantine, he could contact with people because the virus was not contagious, but his two roommates who lived in his house were also infected, and his own physical condition was getting worse, so he continued to spend time on the bed. One day, he received a phone call from his boss. Boss suggested him to ask doctor to check his body condition, because boss sensed his serious condition after hearing his voice, but he declined once. However, that night he began to have difficulty breathing, so he decided to call a doctor. His condition had been deteriorated considerably, his fever was close to 40 degrees and his oxygen level was only 91. When his level dropped to 90, doctor strongly request him to call an ambulance. He contacted the branch and asked God for protection and was able to calm down mentally. Until then, he had hardly slept because of the fever and all other symptoms, but after the request for protection, he fell into a deep sleep. After about 2.5 hours, he woke up with a lot of sweat all over his body, and his fever had dropped and his oxygen level had risen to 93. It was truly a wonderful protection. He felt that a lot of toxins which had been in his body were excreted by this infection. His friend brought chicken noodle soup and tea, so he took it before going to bed. Then, an hour later, the headache started, and when he ran to the bathroom, he found that a large amount of toxins had been mixed into the stool. Later, when he took a shower, the black blood lump came out like a long worm-shaped. It was very disgusting. But after the nosebleeds he felt better very much. After that, he recovered day by day and his strength returned. This corona infection was tough and he was forced into a physically demanding situation. In fact, many people lost their lives, but he was able to connect his lives by the Jorei-Healing. Today is Christmas on December 25, 2020. Now, 3 weeks later, he is recovering, he has a good appetite, and his strength has returned. He is very grateful that Jorei-Healing had been saving him from many hardships. God gave him the determination to continue the Jorei-Healing no matter what.

Opinion of bloggers
Around December 2020, the Delta variant was prevalent, and many patients became seriously ill when infected, and many people died. After mutating and becoming the Omicron variant, it became mild symptoms like a normal cold, so I think his symptoms were severe. Myself was also infected with the Delta variant in Malaysia and had the same symptoms as him. I could not sleep for 10days with high fever and almost crazy at that time. Less oxygen level was serious for my life. But after a lot of cold sweat, I could sleep and gradually recovered. Currently, people’s immunity has been weakened by frequent vaccinations, and diseases caused by immunodeficiency have begun to spread. The Jorei-Healing is a way to boost immunity, strengthen natural purification effect, recover from illness, and become healthy. It does not use any medications. I would like everyone to give it a try.

*I refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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