ATOPIC(1) dermatitis recovery(特应性皮炎)


Mr.T.O./Japan had eczema on his face and shoulders right after born, so he visited many hospitals and was diagnosed with Atopic dermatitis. It is not a rare disease now, but there were not many people other than him in 1960’s. When he was in elementary school, he went to the hospital in the morning, got an injection, sunbeams, and ointment, and went to the school. He remembered the inside of his elbow and the back of his knee itched and very painful after sweating. He tried a lot of herbal medicine for one month, hot spring therapy, and visited shrines and temples for pray, but none of them was effective. In junior high school and high school, he applied ointment right after taking a shower. His skin was becoming clean and there was no itching, which was very good, but when the medicine effect was expired, the itching became worse. One day, he thought that he depended on the hospital for 20 years, but all medical treatment was kind of temporary effect and was not fundamentally cured, and he began to wonder if he would be able to live without medication in the future. Coincidently, he heard that there was a good health method that required no drugs or injections, and he went to Jorei-Healing branch for the first time in 1976. The branch master taught him amazing things. Sick is not a bad effect, but an action that purifies the body of dirty things. In his case, toxins were discharged by Atopic dermatitis. As a mechanism of discharging toxins is that amount of urine increases, itching, juice from skin, and pus come out when the kidneys improve, finally Atopic dermatitis was improved. Through his experience, he has come to understand that the pain of the body disappears, and the mind and body cleansed, healthy, and happy. Thanks to Jorei-Healing, he was able to stop all medicines since 1977 after he joined a member. Atopic dermatitis was calm down even after stopping medicines. When he was itch, he did Jorei-Healing and it recovered quickly. Jorei-Healing is truly a wonderful new health method, and he wants many people in the world to know this New Health method.

*I Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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