ATOPIC(2) dermatitis cured(特应性皮炎)



Ms.J.Z.’s granddaughter was diagnosed with atopic dermatitis. When her granddaughter was 7yo, she had a scab on her left shoulder that itched, which gradually spread to other parts of her skin. She received ointment and internal medicines, and she took insect repellent measures to prevent ticks. For example, blanket, sheets, pillows, etc., costed a lot of money. The poorest thing was that her granddaughter body was more than double swollen because of medicines. She went to other hospitals and continued to do all the treatments, but her symptoms only got worse. One day, she was introduced to the Jorei-Healing and went to the branch. She couldn’t believe the Jorei-Healing which didn’t use medicines. From the explanation of the branch master, she was convinced the logic that the skin does not improve because the medicinal toxins remained in the body. She decided to bring granddaughter to the branch every day during granddaughter’s summer vacation period and have the Jorei-Healing as many as possible. Then she noticed that the itching was gradually reducing. Her daughter didn’t scratch all day and slept soundly at night. Thanks to the Jorei-Healing for one month, the scab covered in the body became lesser, the swollen body decreased, and there were visible changes. She was very happy that her granddaughter did not need any medicine, no side effects of the medication and itching in the body anymore. She appreciated the power of the Jorei-Healing.

*I Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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