Years of back pain cured(多年的背疼痊愈了)


Years of back pain cured


Ms.Z.Y.(40yo), began suffering from back pain when she was 18yo. 6 years ago, she heard about Jorei-Healing curing sick without the use of medicine, but she ignored it. When her back pain was severe, she underwent various treatments and took medication. One doctor told her that some of them had the same disease as her, but that some of them would be cured completely after marriage, so she decided to take medication to see how it went. After that, she got married and had babies, but it didn’t get any better. When she was examined at the same hospital, doctor found that the blood vessels near the spine were compressed, and she was prescribed high temperature therapy for 30 days and injections. Despite various treatments, her physical condition worsened and she had the worst physical condition, such as headache, dizziness, numbness in the lower half of the body, fainting, and stiff neck. When she went to a hospital for an examination, she was told that one of her spines was weakened, and no matter what treatment she did, it did not improve. Then, she stopped all treatment. On 21st January, her back suddenly started aching, and she couldn’t move for 6 hours and needed to have someone’s support. She was at a loss what to do, but she had no other choice, so she decided to try Jorei-Healing and visited the branch the next day. At first, she didn’t expect Jorei-Healing at all, but from the 17th day, she started to see changes, her physical condition gradually improved, and finally the pain subsided and she recovered. The back pain that she had suffered for nearly 20 years began to recover from just the 17th day. Thanks to the Jorei-Healing, she became energetic, and she convinced that if she received the Jorei-Healing, everything would definitely get better. She became a member of the Jorei-Healing because she was saved from this long suffering, and is doing the Jorei-Healing to others to save those who are currently suffering.

*I Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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