Body stiffness and Mental issue are restored(身体僵硬和精神问题得到恢复)



Ms.Y.H. (52yo) has had severe stiffness in her neck, shoulders, and back since she was in elementary school, and she has not enjoyed anything. She didn’t have the motivation, it took 2 hours to fall asleep, and she was constantly worried. And when she was moving or after eating, a lot of sticky liquid accumulated in her mouth. After she started club activities in junior high school, she easily lost 3 kg, so she took this opportunity to start dieting. However, her period was gone, and the sticky liquid that came out of her mouth stopped coming out. At first, she was worried about whether it would be okay, but she didn’t talk to anyone because it was easy for them not to come out. After that, her physical condition improved, and she became thinner and thinner by doing sit-ups every day. However, when she was in her second year of high school (17yo), she started to feel uncomfortable as if something was expanding inside her body, even though her head, neck, shoulders, and back were stiff and thin. No matter what she did, she couldn’t get rid of this condition, and she felt anxious with an uncertain future. However, since she finally lost so much weight, she had a strong feeling that she didn’t want to go back to my original weight, and she couldn’t sort out her feelings and became mental issue. When she was in her third year of high school, she was so stiff that when she went to a chiropractor, the chiropractor said that the muscles from her neck to her buttocks had shrunk and that the stiffness would be repeated, so she despaired. Electrotherapy was the only way to do it, and after the treatment, it relieved for a moment, so she started going every day. But in the end, it got worse and worse, and she had to bend her waist at 90 degrees to go up the stairs. One night, she suddenly started having severe heart palpitations, so her grandfather was worried and gave her a drug. When she took it, the palpitations stopped, but it worked so well that she felt warped and scared. After that, she went to the hospital and was examined, but no abnormalities were found. In the meantime, she gradually became filled with anxiety and fear, and there were times when she thought that it would be easier if she died. After graduating from high school, she got a job, and when she reached home, she was so exhausted and soon lay down. Her mother was worried her, so a friend taught about the Jorei-Healing. She immediately went to the branch with friend and her mother and received the Jorei-Healing. Then, the next morning, she felt a good awakening that she had not experienced for many years, so she began to receive the Jorei-Healing frequently. When she was receiving the Jorei-Healing, she felt something flowing out of the back of her head, and she started to have a runny nose. A member of the Jorei-Healing branch told her that a runny nose is a toxin, and that the more toxins are excreted, the cleaner the body becomes. She fully understood these words, and wondered why she hadn’t noticed such a simple reason before, and she began to think that she might be able to get better with the Jorei-Healing. She convinced that people with physical strength have a strong ability to excrete toxins from their bodies, and that because she lost her strength due to not eating on a diet, she did not have sticky liquid from her mouth or period, and as a result, a lot of toxins accumulated in her body, and her physical condition deteriorated. When she became the Jorei-Healing member, she can do it by herself, so she became a member. After that, she did a daily Jorei-Healing and her period gradually started. For the first 6 years of her job, she had chest pain and heart palpitations all day, but she managed to work. Also, even if she had severe palpitations at work, she asked God to protect her, and she was able to return to work with ease. After that, the palpitations gradually decreased, and the stiff shoulders and back, which were stiff, became softer, and the palpitations improved. Also, after she started drinking tea with a diuretic effect, she lost weight rapidly and her physical strength decreased, so she stopped tea, but on the contrary, she urinated less and had temporary swollen. However, after the Jorei-Healing, the urine gradually increased and she was able to urinate normally. Also, when she cleans inside of a branch, her physical condition improved, and she felt a sense of stability and fulfillment. As a result of her reckless dieting, she could collapse at any time, suffer heart failure, or commit suicide, but she was saved by the Jorei-Healing. She believes that the Jorei-Healing gave her additional life. And she was married, had children, and live a happy life. She has been a member for 30 years, and she is grateful for the help she received no matter how bad her symptoms were. She hopes that as many people as possible will be saved by the Jorei-Healing as soon as possible.

*I refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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