recovery from BRONCHITES(从支气管炎中恢复)



One month after Ms.K.D.’s daughter was born, she found a lump in her daughter’s left breast. She immediately went to the hospital and was prescribed medicine and topical cream. The small lumps grew and after two weeks, her daughter was treated differently at three different hospitals. Eventually, doctor diagnosed with removing the lump early, and operated. For the next five days, her daughter was treated with a large amount of antibiotics under general anesthesia three times a day, a painful treatment to eliminate pus. Since that day, her daughter has always had a cold, slight fever, pain in ears nose and throat, and was treated with suppositories and syrup medicines. Even in such a situation, her daughter had to have vaccination against BCG and diphtheria, tuberculosis and childhood paralysis. After 4 months, her daughter had bronchitis and was prescribed antibiotics and syrup medicines. By the time her daughter was 5 months old, her daughter had viral otitis media and a high fever and little baby was exhausted. After that, her daughter got otitis media again and suffered from a severe cough. The fever did not go away and the doctor diagnosed bronchitis and recommended hospitalization. It was around that time that she began to have doubts about medical care. She didn’t want to give her daughter more medication or see the getting sick frequently, so she talked to her friends. Then her friend recommended Jorei-Healing. To be honest, she and her husband couldn’t believe that such a bad situation could really be cured by Jorei-Healing. However, she had no choice but to rely on the trust in her friends and the miraculous element of Jorei-Healing. The next day, her friend did the Jorei-Healing to her daughter. The next day, her daughter started throwing up antibiotics, and the fever continued and the cough got worse, so her friend decided to take her daughter to the Jorei-Healing branch. After 7 months, the couple had been understood the detoxification action, but when they returned to themself, is it really okay to do this? Isn’t it irresponsible? She sometimes asked herself. However, as she observed her daughter every day, she knew that daughter was getting better, so she continued to believe in Jorei-Healing. There were some difficult times, but when her daughter had Jorei-Healing every day at the branch and continued to have Jorei-Healing 4~6 times at home, her daughter’s fever went down, cough decreased, appetite gradually recovered, and could sleep. Nowadays, her daughter has a little cough from time to time, but her daughter recovers only with Jorei-Healing without any medical care, and shows a cute smile. She is grateful to have found the best health method in her life called Jorei-Healing.

*Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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