released from suffering of CANCER (免於癌痛)


Ms.S.Z./Taiwan was diagnosed with endometrial cancer. Since she got scared, she had surgery to completely remove the uterus, ovaries, 23 lymph nodes, and peritoneal cavity. She underwent 28 radiotherapies after surgery, too. The treatment was very painful and hurt not only in the stomach and abdomen, but also in the bones. As she lay down, she thought many times that she wished she could die. It was a crushing experience. After that, she tried herbal medicine and qigong therapy and recovered a little, but she had to have an MRI once every three months. Tests were gradually decreasing, but she was always worried about hearing the results. After 10 years, she felt she was fine overall, but recently she sometimes ran out of breath and almost choked when climbing the stairs. So, she went to the hospital for body check-up because she thought there might be something wrong with her body again. A 4mm tumor was found with swelling of the lung. After that, she was treated with herbal medicine and had a check-up once every six months, but the doctor said that her condition of losing weight was not good, and she did a blood test again. The results showed high possibility of colorectal cancer and pancreatic cancer. In addition, it was found that there were many small lumps in the stomach, and the doctor said that the esophagus was also showing signs of illness due to acid reflux. She searched for a good doctor, did various tests, and tried natural and nutritional remedies as much as possible. However, her physical condition worsened, her right leg was swollen, and she had no appetite. When she ate starch, her stomach became swollen and sore, and she started vomiting and was taken to the hospital. With a height of 160 centimeters, her weight has decreased to 38kg. Her face was also dented, and her legs were weak and she thought that the Grim Reaper had already arrived. One night, she was suffering from severe abdominal pain and throwing up in the toilet. She suppressed the terrible pain that was rushing in her stomach, and she had been asking help to the God in her heart for a long time, and she spent whole night in such pain that every cell in her body ached, and the next morning she calmed down a little and went back to bed. She looked back the past dozen years, and she didn’t know how to live for the rest of her life. Due to the previous radiation therapy, the white blood cells were only 2500 (standard value 3300~9000), and because of MRI and CT for a long time, contrast agents and radiation also left a bad effect in the body. Because she had been taking herbal medicine for many years, her blood test showed the number of heavy metals was too high. So, she decided not to take herbal medicine anymore. At that time, she suddenly remembered the Jorei-Healing that a friend had introduced her before. She tried natural medicine such as Western medicine, Chinese medicine, and qigong and it was not effective, so she thought there was no way not to try Jorei-Healing. 17 years was passed since she was diagnosed with cancer, she visited the branch and had the Jorei-Healing three times. Then she felt her body immediately became lighter. Her physical strength has recovered a little and she has gained confidence in Jorei-Healing. She had a swollen stomach, so she refrained from taking rice and starch, but since she started to have the Jorei-Healing, she had been able to take it little by little. Her body was better condition and her appetite returned. In order to have as many of the Jorei-Healing as possible in the branch, she quitted job and devoted herself to do it. Then she became a member and had the Jorei-Healing every day. She became more and more energetic, her weight increased to 44 kg, her stomach was no longer swollen, her physical strength increased, and she became a completely different person from before. The Jorei-Healing is a best health method that cleanses the mind, body, and spirit without side effects, and she appreciates she can do the Jorei-Healing power.

*I Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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