CERVICAL CANCER disappeared(宫颈癌)



When Ms.N.K. was 39 years old, she became unwell and visited to the hospital. Doctor said it is cervical cancer. She was very worried and went to another hospital to reconfirm. But she was told to have surgery immediately. Around that time, her mother recommended to visit to Jorei-Healing Branch. After she listened branch master explanation about Jorei-Healing, she somehow felt that she could get better by Jorei-Healing, so she decided to continue. Although her husband recommended herbal medicines, she decided to have Jorei-Healing first. It took 3 hours round trip to the branch, but she had the Jorei-Healing every other day for five months. During that time, she had bleeding and lower back pain, but it gradually improved. At the fifth month, her husband asked to have another test and she went to the hospital. She was anxious, but to her surprise the cancer had been disappeared. She went to another hospital for reconfirmation, but no cancer was found. She is grateful to have met the Jorei-Healing and given her new life. She is 79 yo but she plays golf with her husband and she has become more and more energetic. She is grateful for this happiness and wants to convey the Jorei-Healing to as many people as possible.

*I Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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