Corona recovers in 2 weeks(新冠病毒将在两周内恢复)



Ms.R.F.(21yo) has been receiving the Jorei-Healing since birth. Whenever she got sick, she was always fine with the Jorei-Healing, and she grew up without medicines without going to the hospital. When she was infected with Corona this time, she was recovered with the Jorei-Healing, so she will report it. At first, she didn’t have any symptoms of corona, but in the middle of the night she had a severe headache, and the pain lasted all night and she could only sleep for 3 hours. The next morning, she still had a headache, she felt dizzy when she squatted, and she was exhausted. The eye pain was also severe, and when she moved her eyes up and down, left and right, her eyes hurt severely, and her head and eyebrows also hurt. For 3~4 days, my eyes, neck, and shoulders hurt, but she didn’t have any cold-like symptoms. She was terribly tired, and tears were flowing unconsciously from her eyes. Then came the symptoms of a mild cold. The pain in her eyes was the most inconvenient, and she was so tired and had a headache that she just wanted to sleep. She received the Jorei-Healing once a day, and at the worst of times, twice a day. In the second week, she felt a little better. The pain in her eyes was relieved, and she felt a little tired, like when she got sick in winter. At first, she thought it was sinusitis because it was different from the symptoms of corona, but suddenly my sense of smell and taste was completely gone, and she thought that this was corona infection. When she checked it with the test kit, it was positive. However, when she continued to receive the Jorei-Healing, her sense of smell and taste returned in one week, and the symptoms of the cold improved after two weeks. She has never been worried about getting Corona. She believed that if she received the Jorei-Healing, she would get better little by little. At that time, she was preparing for the final exam of the university, so she was worried about whether she would be able to study for the exam, but thanks to the Jorei-Healing of this purifying action, she excreted a lot of toxins in her body, concentrated on her studies, and became energetic in time for the exam. This time, her coronavirus did not infect her family, who can be said to be close contacts, at all. Even if you have a disease that is feared by the world, the peace of mind that you will be cured by the Jorei-Healing is wonderful, and she is grateful from the bottom of her heart.

*I refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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