Years of depression cured(多年的抑郁症治疗好了)



Ms.A.H. was diagnosed with depression 13 years ago and was taking 50 pills a day. It was like being in the dark every day, she didn’t feel motivated to do anything, and preparing meals, washing her face, brushing her teeth, and eating were very difficult, and there were days when she didn’t eat anything. Even when she saw beautiful things, she was not moved at all, and she couldn’t sleep at night due to palpitations, dizziness, headaches, and nausea, and it was just hard to live every day. She was hospitalized and discharged from the hospital repeatedly, but it did not improve at all. Unable to see her condition, her mother took her to the Jorei-Healing branch and she received Jorei-Healing for the first time. At that time, she was down, sad, and cried all the time. However, the branch master told her to receive the Jorei-Healing every day for a week and she followed. From the 3rd day, her mood and physical condition calmed down, and she noticed that her condition was gradually getting better. And she received the Jorei-Healing every day with a strong feeling that maybe she could get well with the Jorei-Healing, that she wanted to be healthy, and that she wanted to be cured. When she was not feeling well, the branch master came to her home and gave her a the Jorei-Healing. Thanks to it, she could go to the branch by car after half a year. She could sleep a little at night, but she couldn’t stop the medication completely, so she was reducing medication little by little. 1 year later, she participated in a Jorei-Healing dancing event. At first, she refused, but she decided to participate. She participated in 12 practice sessions in 3 months, and she could dance happily and as much as she could during the actual performance, and her heart was filled with a sense of accomplishment. Her mother, who was watching her dancing with a smile, was so happy that tears welled up in eyes. Her physical condition got better and better, she could sleep naturally at night, and she could live without taking daytime medication. And at the end of the 6th year, she completely stopped the medication. She could live a normal life, making breakfast, lunch, dinner every day, working in the office, and naturally fall asleep in the night. She was very grateful to the Jorei-Healing because she came to know that what she used to take for granted is not really so, and that she can do her daily life with God’s permission.

*I Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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