Recovery from eczema on the lips(缓解嘴唇湿疹)



Ms.M.S is a member of Jorei-Healing. She got a foreign country-made lipstick as a souvenir, and after putting it for two days, she had three small blisters coming out of her lips, so she decided it wasn’t right for her and stopped using it. However, after that, her lips began to dry out, and after a few days, her entire lips became covered and it became difficult to eat. Tea had to be taken through a straw, which could only be taken at the edge of the lip. Half a month later, eczema began to appear not only on the lips, but also all over the body. She was itching, so when she scratched it, eczema appeared. In particular, the area around her eyes was terrible, so she started going to the Jorei-Healing branch on her way home from work. Around this time, the condition of the lips became worse and the lid of the acne lifted, making it very difficult to eat. First, the eczema on her body started to improve, and the sore lid on my lips began to emit a yellow, smelly liquid from the gap. The liquid lifted the lid of the acne, and when the lid was removed, the liquid dried up again and the acne lid was formed. She wiped it with cotton, but since she slept in the middle of the night, she did not wipe it, so her both lips stuck and she couldn’t open her mouth. So, she sometimes cut the lid with scissors. Eventually, the lid became thicker and thicker and began to emit a stink smell. One month later, the lid began to move closer to the center of the lips and slightly more beautiful lips began to be visible from both ends of the lips. For the next four months, the range of beautiful lips widened. She was happy for a moment, and then the liquid came out again and she became a sore lid repeatedly. She feels that she is recovering little by little, but the progress has been slow and she have continued to have a painful experience. By the fifth month, the amount of liquid was reduced, and at the same time, the lid of the scab became thinner and the mouth could be closed. After that, all the lids were removed and only the thin skin returned to the original lip condition. In the bad days, she would walk with her mouth covered with a handkerchief when she went out, but now she does not have to. The power of Jorei-Healing is wonderful and truly appreciated. She hopes to use this experience as many people as possible to convey the spirit of pure spirit.

*Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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