Empyema cured(积脓治好了)



Ms.S.C. became an empyema when she was 35yo and suffered from unbearable headaches and a stinky smell coming from the deep inside of her nose. On top of that, she sometimes became depressed and felt that there was no point in living. The doctor told surgery was the only way to heal this sick. One year later, she happened to hear about the Jorei-Healing, so she tried it soon. Then, she felt better after 2~3 times of Jorei-Healing, and she was gradually recovering. One morning before going to work in the sixth month since started the Jorei-Healing, inside of nose suddenly became stuffy, and she was surprised to see a piece of meat mixed with pus which similar size of a dried loquat (plum?) suddenly came out of her mouth. However, since then, the headache and stinky smell had disappeared and the empyema has been cured. This was a miracle. She wants to let everybody know how wonderful the Jorei-Healing power is!

*Refer to the New health association newspaper for the above.

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