Graves’ disease cured(格雷夫斯病治愈)



Ms.G.V.(55yo) was diagnosed with Graves’ disease in 2004. Thanks to her frequent Jorei-Healing at a nearby branch, she gradually recovered and could overcome in 9 months. However, around April 2008, when she had not received the Jorei-Healing for a long time, Graves’ disease returned. At that time, the nearby branch was temporally closed, and she must go to Paris Branch, but it was too far to visit. Then, there was no choice but went to the hospital. As a result of the blood test, the antibody level figure was 27, which was an abnormal value that was much higher than the standard value of 1.5. She was taking as many as 6 pills a day, but she didn’t recover, and her mental health was getting worse. In 2010, the Jorei-Healing branch was reopened, so she started receiving it again, and surprisingly the test result improved rapidly, and after 4 months, she could reduce to 2 pills only. In August, her antibody level figure dropped to 11, and in December it was reduced to 1.2, so she could stop medicines completely. She was happy to feel the relief and freedom from anxiety by the Jorei-Healing, and after that, she continued to do it, and at the end of June 2011, her antibody dropped to 0.5, her thyroid gland became normal, and Graves’ disease was completely cured. She has decided to continue the Jorei-Healing and wants to share this happiness with as many people as possible.

*I refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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