Growing pains and Hydronephrosis recovered (生长痛和肾积水康复)



Ms.H.M.(29yo) was 11yo when she developed growing pains. It is a symptom of pain all over the body when the body grows rapidly. From the age of 11 to 13, she had pain in various parts of her body, from her shoulders to her heels, and she cried because of the pain, especially at night. When her back hurt, she couldn’t walk and couldn’t go to school. So, her mom knew about the Jorei-Healing, so she went to the Jorei-Healing branch. When she received the Jorei-Healing twice a day, the number of steps she could walk gradually increased, from 5 steps to 10 steps to 20 steps. After 3 weeks, she could walk normally. She did not usually think deeply about walking, but she went through a period where she couldn’t walk even if she wanted to, so she was filled with gratitude for how wonderful and grateful she can walk normally.

Also, when she was 20yo, her left back suddenly started to hurt while she was at work, and when she was urged to go to a clinic by people at work, she was suspected of having Hydronephrosis and was told to go to a specialized hospital immediately because there were a lot of stones in the picture. The doctor at the clinic called several large hospitals directly, but some were busy or undergoing surgery, so she could not go to any hospital. So, the clinic doctor wrote a referral letter so that she could visit a large hospital the next morning. When she went to the hospital the next day, there were many patients and there was a two-hour wait, so she did the Jorei-Healing during waiting. In the meantime, she went to the bathroom 3 times, and mysteriously, the back pain was gone. At the time of the examination, she was told that there was nothing in the ultrasound examination, and that there were no symptoms of Hydronephrosis. While looking at the photo of the echo that came with the letter of introduction, he said that it was strange that there were indeed many stones in the picture, but that they were missing today. She could receive enough Jorei-Healing between yesterday and the examination, and she was grateful for the wonderfulness of the Jorei-Healing, thinking that the stones may have come out naturally because she went to the bathroom many times.

*I refer to the new health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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